Sunday, April 5, 2009


So I'm driving to work the other day and as I'm turning right there's a school bus turning left onto the road I'm turning off of. (I just ended a sentence with a proposition, I think I need to go back to school). So you need to know that I'm not really a kid person and I'm one of those people who wants to gag when someone says something along the lines of, "I hope you have a peaceful, joyful day full of growth". So I don't know what had gotten into me, perhaps there was a ray of sunshine that morning after a long, snowy winter that caused some strange reaction in me, but, at any rate, I found myself looking at the little kids in the bus with their shining, excited faces and for a moment I felt this lovely feeling, this "awww...." and then (screeching tires sound) I see the one little kid with his shining face is giving another kid (waiting for the bus) the finger. Then I chortle and shake my head. When I told the story at work that day, people had a good laugh. I'm not sure it translates to the blog, but let's hope.


Moist Rub said...

That's a fun age when they finally master their fine motor skills. I would say 'awwww', too.

GB said...

Thanks for reading and commenting Moist. That was a good one.