Monday, November 26, 2012

What's The Technical Term For This Part Deux

So I happened to notice that one year ago today I posted about "bucket kickers" (see original post and comments). Thought, hey, why not, see if I can add anything...

5) Been to NHL games in more than one arena.
6) Have a relative with their name on the Cup. (Note this is different from having a relative who has their name on their cup).
7) Ridden a camel.
8) Have only ever owned one cell phone. (That's gotta be worth something in this day and age - only those who've never owned one can beat that).

I feel like I must have done more interesting things than this list so far.

The Blonde and The Air Freshener...

Starts off like a typical joke doesn't it... Reminds me of something said at an interfaith wedding in response to someone saying, "oh look, a priest and a rabbi..." ("sounds like the start of a joke...a priest and a rabbi go to a wedding...")

So one very early morning, heading off for some travel to a conference, I'm in the passenger seat of an automobile and the driver is, fortunately, in the driver's seat. We hit a light on the highway (yeah, roads in some parts of Canada, I tell you, lights on a highway...)  and so I notice a car in the next lane and they have the same (different colour) [yeah, we have "u" in words too] air freshener hanging off the rear view mirror as I do. So, I comment excitedly and then look at the rear view mirror in the automobile I'm in and see no air freshener. I "freaked out" (nothing too much, just very surprised) and the driver was just sort of looking at me but not in any particular way. It was then that I realized - we'd taken the driver's car, not mine and so of course there was no air freshener. We had a good laugh over my mistake, me especially. In my defense, it's more usual that my car is the one used (and it was early!) (and I had my hair dyed blonde a few months ago - just kidding - well, I did but kidding about blonde jokes).