Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Football Forwarding Finesse - Follow Up

So for some reason I only got a few minutes of the "Brett Favre returns to Lambeau" game. I noticed it later on the NFL network. (As an aside, the NFL network is free, NHL network one has to pay extra for - what's with that? Fine, I'm a huge hockey fan but I'm gonna watch even more football now, so there). So anyhoo, I guess this show on the NFL network is a special replay version of noteworthy games. They skip over a lot of plays so the whole show is only 90 minutes. It's pretty cool. What I didn't like, though, was that they told the outcome of the game in the preshow commentary. Thanks a lot. I mean really, even if you watched the game they're about to show at some point, do you really want to hear the outcome right before you commence re-watching? (Rhetorical question). What was interesting was the post-game commentary that was interspersed on particularly noteworthy plays. A nice package. And who doesn't like a nice package...

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