Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bucket List cont'd

13) If I were really rich, I'd love to own a racehorse. Doesn't have to be a Derby winner, but decent at least. Lotta heart. So imagine my joy when I came across a "Racehorse Name Generator" at How about Flummoxed Dusty cool is that!!! I'm a little worried they didn't do their homework though, I thought there was a limit to the length of registered thoroughbred names...maybe 17 characters or something? I just looked it up at the Jockey Club, 18 max. Darn you Generator Land, my dreams are foiled!

14) Have I talked (blogged) about this before?? I feel like I have. But I can't seem to find a record of it. Anyhow, I would like to do a TV show where I interview "regular" (non-celeb) people. It may sound boring, but I think it could be really interesting. I might have to find a really good host or co-host or something though. Someone in addition to me who could ask or come up with scintillating questions. George Strombolopolous (sorry if I spelled that wrong) comes to mind. Oh, I looked that up too. It is wrong... Stroumboulopoulos according to twitter.


Aaron Rogers said...

#14 - Yes, myspace.

Are you familiar with Studs Terkel? Working would be a good one with which to start.

GB said...

Studs Terkel??

Aaron said...

Yes, Studs Terkel. Sounds like a fake name but he's very real. Check him out. It's seriously a cool book. It might seem a little dated but I thing you'd still dig it.