Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Beef

This is pretty random... but I just have to say that it irks me when people refer to the Super Bowl winning team as "world champions". Perhaps some U.S. readers can enlighten me, but to me this seems like such a classic example of why people think of America in a negative light at times. WORLD champions???? I thought the NFL consisted purely of U.S. teams. They don't even play CFL teams or anything. And even then it would perhaps merit "N.American champions".

And I'll throw in a related Canadian beef... to British Columbia for coming up with the slogan "The Best Place on Earth" (it used to be "Beautiful B.C."). It's a lovely part of the world, but the BEST place on earth? The "world champion" of earth? I don't think so. And it's way too cocky. Must've hired the same people who came up with the Super Bowl winners being world champs to come up with that slogan ;)

1 comment:

Aaron Rogers said...

I guess you will just have to stick to watching World Cup soccer and the Olympics every four years.

And everyone knows that Lambeau Field is the greatest place on Earth.