Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bucket List

Thought I'd just start writing down things I'd love to do ("someday") in no particular order.

1) Go to a hockey game at the home rink of every NHL team.
2) I've never been to an NFL game, but on TV the Patriots' stadium looks cool, like to go there. And I guess I should add Dallas's, seeing as it's so new and big. And historic Lambeau Field.
3) Hang out with Ron MacLean. (Why are these all about sports?? I have no idea)
4) If we're talking pretty out there, having a miniature horse that hung out in the house (it would be house trained etc). Maybe we'd watch TV together.
5) When I was younger I really wanted to work in a florist shop. I think I still wouldn't mind trying that for a bit.
6) I'd love to have a big room in my house that was filled with books and had comfy chairs/lounges to sit in - maybe with a coffee/tea station in it with a huge selection of beverages.
7) Attend the Kentucky Derby.
8) Wear a cool/funky/ridiculous hat to the Kentucky Derby.
9) Drink a mint julep at the Kentucky Derby.
10) I've always had this weird (?) hankering to hang out with Jimmy Buffet.
11) Cute orange bunnies. Lots of them. Hopping around.
12) See the Tour de France live (in person).

To be continued...


Aaron Rogers said...

Instead of a miniature horse, have you considered a tiny, tiny giraffe?

GB said...

Ooooh, a tiny, tiny giraffe sounds VERY cool.