Friday, September 14, 2007

Game Day Diary, Part Deux

I hit the 9k mark. I check my watch, I'm making up time but I've lost way too much in the first half. (I should be running a 10k in under an hour, mind you, I didn't train for this other than the week before, which is highly wrong). Walking for just a few feet crosses my mind, this is unusual at this stage of a race (but usual when running, for me). I grit my teeth and kick on to the finish. I know I'm close when I pass the walkie talker person who relays your number to the finish so they can announce you. I sweep over the line, forget to stop my watch. I am momentarily confused by the finish clock - I looked at one for another distance (starts are at different times) and feel a frisson of disappointment to realize my watch was not wrong while I was out there running and I truly have not finished in less than an hour. I put my leg up on a bench so they can remove my chip (no, I'm not a robot, it's a timing device you wear on your shoe). A volunteer chats to me and another hands me a bottle of water. Wonderful event. I then peruse the finish line goodies, drink my water, and wait to see the times posted. 1:04:37.

I check out the scene and then check out the contents of my race package. A small bottle of Dasani water (if I'm drinking bottled, I'll pick out this brand so cool); a coupon for a running store; some cool hair elastics; a thermal beanie; Motrin and pain relief instructions; a magnet for a real estate dude; a coupon for a free bicycle tune-up (which a lot of people will want, thinking, 'sheeeeeee-it, I'm never running again! where's my bike?!'); pamphlets for assorted stuff, including an upcoming marathon in another city; more pain stuff; foot cream; and body cream, all in a "totally degradable" bag. I stretch, and then it's off to the next part of my journey....


Anonymous said...

dibs on the foot cream.

GB said...

Hell of a deal, I run the 10k and you get the foot cream.
Fine. It's yours.