Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hockey Date in Canada

So I'm watching the NHL season opener from England and the commentator says something along the lines of, "he put his arm around the guy and almost took a penalty". So I think (sarcastically) to myself, "wow, putting your arm around someone (a gesture of affection) is a penalty huh" which leads me to picture being on a date and the guy goes to put his arm around me and I say stridently, "hey! nuh uh, penalty!.." which immediately led me to the continuation of that thought, "..2 minutes in the box!". Uh. Hmm, that might not work so well. Ahem. Right-o then.

1 comment:

Moist Rub said...

Isn't that weird that in most date environments there comes the moment, or possibly a couple of moments, that the decision to put your arm around somebody is actually considered. That doesn't happen in other social situations, like grocery shopping. So I'm in line at the grocer, and the check out girl and I were having a chat as she rang up my food. We were getting along pretty well, and she was being very familiar, touching my food and all, which seemed like a pretty intimate activity, most people don't touch my food, and all, so I was feeling pretty close to her, you know, emotional-like, so I decided to put my arm around her.

And then she gave me two minutes in the box.

I like that store. I'll go back even if I don't have a coupon.