Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drive Thru Debaucle

I was going through the drive thru awhile back. I knew the person in the vehicle in front of me. Xe shall remain "safely anonymous". {You know, when I first typed that it said "shall rename" - Freudian slip I suppose. The 'safely anonymous' I stole from Star Wars (I can hear you Sid, knock it off).} Anyway, I digress. Wildly. Crazily. Off the hook-ily. So, as I was saying...the drive thru. I guess my knock out good looks and winning personality get some people flustered (har har) because the person in front of me pulled up just short of the ordering speaker and began talking to a different rectangularly shaped object. The door to the garbage can. At first, I'd thought xe was simply not pulling up to the ordering speaker because xe was perusing the menu. But once I realized what was going on, I couldn't help but chortle. I think "safely anonymous" was embarrassed. But xe can now remain safely anonymously embarrassed. Immortalized on my blog. Which would be safe even without the anonymity due to the scarcity of readers. I don't check the stats anyway, so I guess I could pretend that thousands of people read this blog, just none of them comment. You know, too dazzled by the wit to have a rejoinder. Uh huh. Does that mean that, in effect, when I'm blogging I'm talking to a garbage can instead of a speaker too? Hmm, deep thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I like to think I rate a little above a garbage can. Most days anyway :P But seriously, it's the dazzling wit :D

GB said...

Thanks Mags :)