Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Movie Moment

I recently went out of town to attend a wedding. I was leaving my friends' hotel to walk back to mine, standing at the crosswalk with other people waiting for the light to cross. All of a sudden I feel this...chivalrous...hand grab my arm. WTH? My head spins quickly to the side. I discover that a limo was backing up in the hotel drop off area to negotiate a turn, and as I was on the end of the line of people waiting, it was about to hit me. This dashing young man had leapt forward and taken my arm to ensure I was not hit. When I had sufficiently recovered my senses, I realized that this guy was also quite attractive. We exchanged a few comments. And I thought this would make a great "how did you meet?" story. Of course at the wedding we'd have to leave out the "and then we went back to my room and made out like rabbits" part ;) On second thought, I have a feeling rabbits are pretty quick, so I hope that saying refers to the frequency of the act, not the time spent. Sheesh, I've turned my movie moment into a damn porno. Maybe that's a new genre. It starts out as a romantic comedy and ends in porno. Gives new meaning to "Titanic". Heh heh. "We're going down!" But I digress, and wildly. Must focus. What? ...


Anonymous said...

Better a porno than some bad Eddie Murphy movie.

Moist Rub said...

I don't think rabbits make out. So, I think you two went back to the room and ate carrots like rabbits. That's something you could share with your family at the wedding.