Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Life Ring

After my attempted drowing (http://blogspectations.blogspot.com/2007/06/fool-in-rain.html), I was out on the same route with a walking partner. We encountered a section that was packed with parked cars - a garage sale (sans garage) - I guess that makes it a yard sale. Whatever, let's not get lost in the details. As we walk past, he points out one of those big red life preserver things - mocking me for having been nearly drowned. So I told him my take on the 911 conversation (commentor Sid inspired my comment in the Fool in the Rain post). He was quite amused. Now I'm wondering if that whole yard sale was inspired by my near drowning. Can't you just see it?.....

"Maude" Honey, we should really have a yard sale. We have no use for so much of this stuff and others could benefit! We'll have less clutter AND we'll have helped other people get something they could use.

"Maude's Partner" Come on dear, this is a bunch of junk. Face facts. No one wants any of this crap.

"M" Oh really?! What about that poor girl who ran by the other day. She nearly drowned! You don't think she could've used that life preserver from your father's boat???

"MP" (grudgingly) I suppose you have a point there. Sigh. Let's do it then.

"M" I'll make some signs!


Moist Rub said...

Maude sold me a rusty soup ladel that saved my life when I used it to fend off Maude's Partner who was attacking me with rake handle I refused to buy.

Anonymous said...

Some people sell un-useful stuff at garage sales.

And then there's Maude.

Schnookie said...

Surely there's some kind of commendation Maude can get from the local authorities. Maybe that fireman guy can earn his promotion by grandstanding and making a big, public fuss of declaring Maude a Civilian Hero? That's just the sort of showboating that furthers politicians' careers...

GB said...

Sounds good Schnookie. And then all the showboating will be for nothing when Moist Rub's story about being attacked by Maude's Partner goes public. We've practically got a screenplay here.