Friday, July 20, 2007

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Must be a rest day for the Tour posts.

So here's a snippet from a conversation I had recently...

Them: So I watched this show about this guy who kidnapped women blah blah blah. He would give them pedophiles and paint their toenails and stuff and (xe keeps talking...)

Me: Uh, did you just say "give them *pedophiles*"?

T: (laughing) Yeah, I did. See, I told you I do stuff like that. I meant pedicures...

M: No kidding.

The conversation continued and we got to the point where we were saying our goodbyes....

T: Have a great day!

M: You too.

T: Go get yourself a pedophile!

M: (Shaking head)


Anonymous said...

Good thing they don't live in the days when one had occasion to rustle up a posse.

GB said...

Well damn, you've already got the highly coveted Great Blogspectations Reader of the Month Award, now what I do with that genius comment?
You're like one of those women who goes to a wedding looking better than the bride. Except for the woman part. And the wedding part. But other than that it's exactly the same! Stop being prettier/funnier/richer/more cleverer than the blog!