Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Belated Birthday Bonanza

I got a birthday card today. This is to be noted as my birthday is in March.
Here is an excerpt from the hand-written message inside the card:
"This is a severely retarded birthday wish! All the best to you always."

You're right! That is a severely retarded wish! All the best to you always?! How dumb is that!

Now I realize that by "severely retarded" they meant, "really late", but when you read that as a line...I mean, come on.
Actually, "all the best to you always" is a pretty good sentiment don't you think? I mean, why ever wish anyone anything again? You've already wished them all the best always, what's left??? That's right, nothing! You've covered all the wishes, gifts, etc. for the rest of time in one fell swoop.

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