Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Bird in the House is Worth A Fish Tale or Two

I recently walked into a house and found one of the occupants engaged in trying to catch a bird that was attempting to escape through a large window.

Let me clarify, the window was not one of the opening variety, and thus the bird could not escape. (And no, I do not know of which variety the bird was, or is). The human, realizing this (that the bird could not escape, not that I didn't know its variety), wished to grab the bird and place xe (I stole this from Leper Pop, it rocks, and so will you if you visit the site - - xe being a great way of resolving the s/he issue) outside.

Let me clarify some more. I knew the occupant - I am not in the habit of walking into stranger's houses. Although now that I mention that I'm thinking it might be interesting. But that would be a wild digression at this point.

So the bird was freed after some frantic kerfuffleing (so sue me) and barely did xe reach the open patio door before xe had zipped off like a shot over the deck railing. This got me thinking about the bird returning home and the stories xe would have.

"You wouldn't believe the day I had!" xe would exclaim.
And I pictured the story getting a little more exaggerated as xe went on. Now, I'm no bird, so how the hell do I know what the story might resemble, but here goes...

Henry (I have no idea why I just named the bird that) swoops into the nest-home area (man, I need to learn more about birds methinks) and lands in a kerfuffle. Panting, gasping, Henry is eager to tell xe's tale. His family, despite his rather violent arrival, seem non-plussed. He awaits their attention, clearing his bird throat in consternation when this does not come to pass. After several tut tuts, Henry's mate, seemingly not in response to the tut-tutting, but as though she's just realized that Henry is there, begins to make small talk. One of Henry's offspring gives a bored roll of the eyes in Henry's direction while another cocks xe's head in an effort to look attentive.

"Yes, yes," Henry interrupts, "but you won't believe what happened to me! There I was flying along, minding my own business, when all of a sudden - I don't know if there was pond scum in the water I had this morning or what - but I found myself in some sort of strange world where I could see normally but when I'd try to fly forward I kept crashing into this invisible barrier!" (Henry's family look incredulous and suspicious - but Henry doesn't notice this, as xe is so wrapped up in xe's story).

"Then, as though that wasn't bad enough, some giant creature began attacking me..." (Here Henry looks to his family for expressions of sympathy on their little faces, and feels immensely affronted when xe doesn't find this to be the case, causing him to try to increase the oomph-factor of the story). "When I say creature, what I really mean to say is that it was a whole pack of cats, all working together, pawing at me, 100's of them! 100's!!!" (For a second Henry's family had begun to sympathize but it quickly passes and Henry can tell that they don't believe). His tale increases in size in a strident attempt to get the requisite reaction that Henry so deserves after the trials of xe's day.

Fast forward to days this time Henry is driving his whole community nuts with his wild tales. As other birds fly about their business, muttered chirps can be heard:

"...ridiculous, 100 cats..."
"that Henry, such a..."
"preposterous nonsense..."


Anonymous said...

Once you identify the bird as Henry, is it necessary to refer to him as xe? Next time do the perspective of a fish that's been caught and thrown back. I think you just invented a new genre. Groundbreaking, this blog is. Well done.

GB said...

Yes, it's still necessary to identity Henry as xe b/c we do not know whether Henry is a he or a she.
You're just saying groundbreaking b/c it's your word of the day. But thanks.
What will I entitle the fish blog - a fish on a hook isn't worth two birds in a bush?
It's too late to be having this conversation. Oh right, it's just me...damn.

Moist Rub said...

Keep using "xe". That's how shit gets into the dictionary. Soon, we will all be famous.

Henry could be short for Henrietta as in Henrietta Hippo Bird.

When in doubt, use xe.