Monday, May 21, 2007

Internet Irritation

I was going to begin this post stating that small things annoy me, but then I was worried that I would send a plethora of men scurrying to their nearest Corvette dealer to try and make up for their lacking manhood, and that just wouldn't do. There's the environment to consider, after all. So forget about the small things intro, I'm going to start again.

Today I was trying to find video of a hit from a recent NHL playoff game. Search as I might, I could not locate a clip. I tried YouTube, nope. I tried Googling, nope. I tried various NHL/sports sites, nope. NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! And more NOPE! And I became increasingly irritated. (As if you hadn't already figured that out what with the blog title and the angry caps and exclamation marks.) Probably far more irritated than one should get over something so seemingly inconsequential. But it was a cool hit and I wanted to see it. And I'm used to instant gratification from the Internet. So when I can't immediately find something, I am affronted. Nay, I am agonized. Or perhaps I'm apoplectic. (You see, I just went and looked up the spelling of that word on the Internet to ensure I had spelled it correctly. That's what the internet does, it provides me with answers and all I have to do is move my fingers. What else can you get simply from moving your fingers?!, pretend I didn't say that. Moving on.)

So luckily there is a happy ending. I found the clip sandwiched in another clip on YouTube. Thank you YouTube, sorry I dissed you earlier. You must understand that you usually provide me with whatever I need and when it seemed that this time you had failed me I kind of flew off the handle. This internet stuff is obviously like a drug. And you know what happens when the dealer doesn't provide.

And in case anyone is wondering what the hit was, too bad. Use the internet to research it & let me know how that works out.


Sid said...

I was going to comment on your blog, but decided to post my comment on another forum. I guess you can use the Internet to find it. Let me know how that works out for you.

GB said...

How clever. No wonder people read your blog!!

Moist Rub said...

I like the way your "moving fingers" innuendo is juxtaposed with the "happy ending" comment.

Good technique.

GB said...

Damn, that juxtaposition was purely accidental. I guess instead of technique I rely on Freudian slips.