Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Name Explanations (like lame explanations, only less lame)

Movie ends. Credits begin rolling. I happen to notice one of the names of the crew.

Wait for it...


September Death.

Hmm, did September's parents give him/her that name? If not, why did s/he change it to that. Did s/he lose a bet? I could google it, perhaps some information exists, but isn't it more fun this way, speculating on how such a name came to be?

I imagine the ninth month (does quick mental check, September is the 9th month right?, man, I'll look like an idiot if it isn't..) of each year must be pretty interesting for Ms./Mr. September Death. Or perhaps the first 8 months are filled with dread and the last 3 a wild party to celebrate having gotten through another September without having ceased to have a pulse.

You know what would be interesting... (yeah, someone else's blog - hey!!! cut that out) have a contest to come up with the best explanation for why September Death was so named. If anyone actually read this blog, I'd hold such a contest. I mean come on, it wouldn't be very fair if I held it right now, I'd have way too good odds of winning.

1 comment:

Moist Rub said...

Maybe some people would read this blog if you bothered to tell them about it instead of having them discover it by reading your comment on some knitting blog.