Saturday, June 9, 2007

Abandon Ship! Er..I Mean, Shoes

So something fairly insignificant happened the other day that I thought I might blog about. Thought about it a couple times since, and was about to start writing tonight, when I realized something.
You know that stereotype about women and shoes? I don't really know how to put it in one sentence form, but, in a nutshell, it might be "women are gaga over shoes". Well, I am not one of those women. Why do I bring this up? Because I realized that I recently did blog about shoes, and this blog I was beginning tonight also features shoes. Isn't that ironic? (Is it ironic? That irony can be a tricky thing, just ask Alanis Morissette - sorry, not sure if that's spelled right. Although, when people get on their high horse and point out that her song Ironic isn't actually about irony, hence what a fuck up she is - I thought, hey, maybe that's part of the shtick..'hey, I'll write a song about irony, but the instances I detail won't actually be examples of irony, that would be ironic!' Man, I've forgotten what irony is at this point. That was quite the digression.)

So anyway, the other day I was walking down the street approaching an intersection. Being the conscientious girl that I am, I stopped at the light and pressed the button to trigger the walk signal at the crosswalk. It was then that I noticed a pair of shoes. Abandoned it seemed. Not directly at the edge of the sidewalk (that would have been kind of cool, like someone just vanished right as they were about to cross the street, swept right up and out of their shoes - ok, I'm scaring myself now, ack) but a bit off to the side, near the post with the crossing signal on it. The heels of said shoes were pushed down, and I could see those Dr. Scholls insoles (just the few $ ones, nothing extravagant). The insoles looked pretty new. So as I said at the start, one would likely say this is pretty insignificant. But I found it kind of interesting. I found myself musing over the story behind the abandoned shoes as I waited to cross the street. Maybe that's what I should blog about. Or maybe that would make a cool story idea. Hmmm.

FUCK. I was considering adding a picture to this, you know, help with the mood of the piece, when I realized that the picture on my blog page is of shoes! Holy shit, what is with this shoe thing! Is it my biological destiny? I don't have that stereotypical gaga for shoes thing but it cannot be fully repressed so it expressed itself unconsciously? I do like running shoes. Getting new running shoes... well, not the getting, that sucks ass, but wearing new running shoes rocks.


Anonymous said...

Did you smell them? Did you steal the new-looking insoles? Will you take the good idea and write a story? Why are you obsessed with shoes?

GB said...

Dear Anonymous,

I did not smell them.
Nor did I steal the new-looking insoles.
I may indeed write a story.
Ha ha. If only I knew what it was about (abandoned) shoes...