Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Elastic Oh-no Band

So I'm putting my hair into a ponytail. I reach for an elastic band and it's a real old one, all stretched out. I think to myself, you should just throw this one out, use a newer one. Then some other part of myself (the cheap part? the lazy part? the part that does not want to be labelled, so quit it!) argues the first part out of it. So with one hand I have my hair gathered and I go to affix the elastic (fascinating detail about putting your hair up, thanks so much - eye roll) and it SNAPS. I was already in a bit of a cranky mood, so I didn't think too much about it, but it seemed to me there was some sort of life lesson there.


Anonymous said...

The lesson is that everything happens for a reason. Or anything can happen with a razor. I can never remember. But at least you got a post title worth nominating.

Moist Rub said...

Everything does not happen for a reason, Sid. Everything happens for a rationalization.

May I suggest a beehive hair-do. Then you won't need to bother with pony tails. Or a social life.

GB said...

Thank you Sid for noticing my post title. I was pretty excited about it.
"Everything happens for a reason, anything can happen with a razor" is indeed a life lesson. Profound.

GB said...

"Everything happens for a rationalization." Another life lesson. I knew there was something to the breaking of the elastic.

May I suggest a beehive hair-do. Then you won't need to bother with pony tails. Or a social life.

Killing two birds with one stone...don't tell Henry.