Monday, June 4, 2007

< Insert Clever Title Here >

So CNN is showing a story on a certain someone going to jail. (You know who I mean, I refuse to type her name in this blog, it would be forever tainted. Ick.)
There was no volume, but it generated a discussion about troubled celebs (e.g. LL & BS).
So I find myself involved in this useless discussion. Me. (Shakes head). It's truly a miracle that I didn't slit my wrists right then and there and that I'm here writing this blog now.

Fortunately, the discussion quickly turned to the infamous shots of a couple of these celebs' crotches. One of the discussants stated firmly and in a somewhat judgmental tone that there was simply no excuse for these people not wearing underwear. Rather quickly (if I do say so myself) I managed the following rejoinder:

"She wanted to support the troops so she thought she should go commando."

This resulted in peals of laughter and questions as to whether I had made that up myself right on the spot. Indeed I had. (Yeah, I'm pretty proud).

Yeah, it might not be that great but what do you want from me - there was already one miracle here today, don't push it.


Anonymous said...

What the hell did Barbra Streisand do that I missed?

Leave Paris alone - she's a national treasure.

Moist Rub said...

Not to mention Linda Lavin.

I almost wrote a blog post about PH in jail but didn't for the same reason you didn't want to mention her by name.

But I may anyway. You have made me brave.