Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Anything But Be

So at this point you may be wondering, has GB taken to channeling Yoda? (Anything but be, yesssss). The answer is no, that is not what the title refers to. I think at this point you should proceed immediately to the comments section, do not read the rest of the blog yet, and do not collect $200 until you get your "get out of the comments section" free card. Go there and tell me what you think the title might refer to. It'll be fun, really. Then you can read the rest of the post - but not before. Go. Now.

Welcome back.
Awhile ago I purchased a Supertramp greatest hits CD. I then used this great free program called Quintessential Player to convert the songs to mp3's so that I can listen to them along with the rest of my computer collection on my mp3 player. Yeah, that's right, I'm not cool enough to own an iPod. So anyway, I like some Supertramp songs but I wouldn't say I'm a fan or know that much about the band or anything. But one day I'm listening to my mp3 player while I plod along (I plod, it's almost like iPod you see) and I hear a Supertramp song and I check the title of said song scrolling across the display of my player. It says "Anything But Be". And I think, hmm, that's odd. And then I thought a bit about how that would be funny if that wasn't the real title yada yada (zzzzz) and then promptly forgot about it. However, I recently was removing that song from my player and so I Googled it and found that indeed, as one would expect, the song is entitled "Anything But Me". And I thought, wow, this would make a good blog post! Boy was I wrong, huh. It was Anything But.


Anonymous said...

Well, the last line was clever....

Moist Rub said...

I'm doing as instructed. Here is my post first paragraph only guess:

You have your hair up in a beehive and are wearing a giant floral pattern dress and you fear becoming Aunt Bea?

Moist Rub said...

So, I read the rest of your post and was glad to see I was correct.

What do I win?

GB said...

You win a giant floral pattern dress!